

The Art of Healing is indeed a journey of birthing a very creative process that deeply addresses our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual presence in our lives. It involves everything of us, each cell, each drop of our blood, and all our willingness wanting to be part of this amazing transformative process. For nearly 30 years, being in the clinical practice of integrated & educational natural medicine, I have seen countless patients, from newborns to the very elderly with their ailing physical symptoms and emotional upsets. Today, I can confidently say, true healing involves a totally new paradigm in our understanding of allopathic and even complementary medicine.

Over these years, having treated symptoms from simple colds to chronic depleting diseases, I more and more came to the revelation that there might be one common denominator in us all which leads us to the individual diseases and their curative process. Something, initially intangible, expresses itself within our individual expressions and manifestations, yet ultimately can be seen throughout humanity in itself. Our cellular structures and bodily functions, our mental abilities, our emotional make-up, and our spiritual communications, have all been “birthed” from one primal realm, a place that brings us to the very core of ourselves.

Our individual relationship to this very core determines if we live a joyful and creative life or if we experience life as a victim with its uncomfortable physical symptoms. We are the creator of our lives, yet even more so when it comes to our physical energy and vibrancy. To be ill or healthy is therefore an expression of the separation of ourselves and our connection to our inner wholesomeness as well as to our external world. This core is the very depth of your inner wound as well as the door to your final liberation and healing. And we all are part of this transformative journey throughout our lives. No one is excluded here as we all walk this evolutionary path in finding and ultimately healing ourselves.


MEDICA NOVA, Practice for Integrated & Educational Medicine, offers you the highest standard in meeting your requested needs with integrity, professionalism and outstanding knowledge in health.

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