Your Eternal Dance is the Active Participation in the Changing World
The Art of Healing is a journey of birthing a creative process that deeply addresses the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of our lives. Our willingness to participate in such a life-changing and transformative process involves every part of us: each cell, each drop of blood, and each act of courage in the face of change and fear. To live in vibrant and optimal health, not only requires a new perception of a shifting global paradigm, but also our understanding of allopathic and alternative medicine. We have arrived at a point in human evolution where we must establish an entirely new approach to and relationship with medicine itself.
Our cellular structures and bodily functions, mental abilities, emotional make-up, and spiritual communications have all been birthed from one primal realm, a place that brings us to the very core of ourselves. “Dancing with your Core Being” defines the individual relationship to this very core and determines if we live a joyful and creative life or if we constrain ourselves, in entertaining our wounded personality with its resultant physical ailments.
This core of connectedness exists at the deepest part of our wound and serves us as the door to liberation and lasting healing. It lives within our unconscious realm and operates from the depth of our inner and unchartered oceanic waters, the place where we rarely want to go.
The Dance of Your Core Healing portrays the interrelationship between the Mind, Body, and Soul with their intricate communication channels and unlimited potentialities in creating the multifaceted jewel called “You”. In simple and accessible language based on 21st-century, cutting-edge science from integrated and holistic medicine, homeopathy, systemic herbology, anatomy, cellular biology, nutrition, detoxification protocols, and spirituality, Angelika Maria Koch welcomes everybody to feel inspired to dance a new dance and to choose a completely new way of living.
You can purchase the book on Amazon - The Dance Of Your Core Healing
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