Being & Living Quantum Healing




Transforming Your Mind, Body & Soul in the New World

Asynchronous/synchronous 16-week online course; 50 study hours

Awarded with Certification of Completion - Available on Demand

The course Being & Living Quantum Healing facilitates the student and healthcare practitioner of integrated medicine with an in-depth understanding and application of the interrelationship between the Mind, Body, and Soul with their intricate communication channels and unlimited potentialities. The curriculum is designed with beauty and mindfulness, and not only serves the student with a wealth of information but also as a “feast of the senses”, welcoming the participants to experience and feel the presented study material as a means to personal transformation.

During this unfolding evolutionary journey, we explore the meaning of health & disease, the individual signature of the patient’s ailment as well as the willingness to explore and resolve his mental, emotional, and physical symptomatology. Each module will lead the student closer to the recognition of the existence of a deep-seated core wound, that ultimately feeds the patient’s perception of conditioned patterns and his physical illness.

With a well-researched and cutting-edge 21st-century synthesis of science and spirituality, the student will be educated in the primal steps of re-building vibrant and optimal health again. Here, we explore the understanding of the “Toxic Stress Cycle”, the essential life-building nutrients, the natural inherent timing of the cells, the theme of understanding cellular inflammation & lack of energy, cellular biology, and epigenetics/methylation as well as the importance of an in-depth ultimate-whole-body-cellular detoxification program. To complete the Mind & Body connection, the participant will enter the process of finding one’s true inherent nature within. This part of the course deeply illuminates the understanding of the soul and its vital part in living an authentic life.

Apart from learning a wealth of information regarding integrative medicine and living optimal health, this course also emphasizes the vital commitment and the courageous act of stepping away from the ownership of one’s conditioned ideas and preconceived perceptions which not only initiates a profound transformative process for the individual, but also for his community, nation, and the planet.

With all the required aspects of Mind, Body & Soul falling into place, the student acknowledges the intimate relationship of an ensouled body and an embodied soul. With the artful cultivation of optimal health, and by looking at all three necessary aspects (Mind, Body & Soul) the participant ultimately will come to his/her conclusion, that the fascinating journey of healing the self becomes the eternal dance of life.

Being & Living Quantum Healing course serves as an inspiration to choose a completely new way of living as well as becoming and living as an authentic and active participant in a changing world.

Although this is an online course, I would like to guide and tutor you according to your individual needs and study progress during this course. I also encourage you to take advantage of 4-6 face-to-face Zoom meetings, which further allow questions and more in-depth tutorials.

For further information contact Medica Nova at

All Medica Nova Online Education Courses are accessible via Canvas LMS, an open and reliable web-based software that allows our students to manage and assess online learning materials. You are welcome to study from the comfort of your home via apps, phones, computers, and iPads. Once you have purchased the course, you will receive further instructions on how to create your free personal account and use your course code.


This course provided profound tools for self-discovery, personal growth, and living authentically aligned with one's highest values and callings. It confronted deep-rooted, self-limiting belief systems like the pervasive feeling of not being enough - not good enough, smart enough, or worthy enough. These beliefs stemmed from childhood experiences and conditioning. However, the course teachings, especially working with the chakra system, offered a pathway to healing these disempowering mindsets. Focusing on the heart and crown chakras through meditation helped cultivate self-love, interconnection with all beings, and a sense of cosmic unity. This expansive awareness allowed the rewriting of limiting narratives. Implementing a daily heart/crown chakra meditation ritual became a powerful way to reinforce these elevated states of consciousness. Journaling and studying heart-centered wisdom supported integrating these awakenings into everyday life.

There was also recognition of the disconnect from truly honoring the sacred intelligence of the physical body. Years of neglect through poor habits had created imbalances, especially in areas like the musculoskeletal, respiratory, and integumentary systems.

Living authentically means peeling back layers of conditioning, facing shadows, and aligning with humanity's evolution into new patterns of consciousness. It involves tuning into intuition, raising frequency, and embodying the resonance of love as an active participant in this world's transformation. In essence, the course provided initiations into one's highest possibilities – self-acceptance, compassion, intuitive wisdom, and being a conscious co-creator attuned to the infinite creative consciousness pervading existence. – R.H. / USA

Taking this online course has truly set the course for me on my road of healing.…gaining the knowledge that taking this course has presented me with has inspired me to do better, and be better. It has reawakened me to the knowledge that I am, and always have been, the “Soul” creator of my life and my destiny. – T. S. / USA

I have been reading with profound surprise the timeless truths that you have brought to our attention, and my gratitude is sincere for your life of resolve that has allowed you to paint this dynamic picture of life’s purposeful engagement. Every concept elucidated was greeted with resonance and the inspiration to inculcate its tenets into working knowledge. One of the more exciting dynamics is the significant understanding of just how inextricably interwoven the body is with all the other subtle components and aspects of our total being."  – P. J. C. / USA

This course has opened up things that I had not found yet, and to be able to understand the things I found was merely incomprehensible before I took this course. With the help of this invaluable material, I gained a deeper appreciation for my own body and the Shakti energy that helps me operate it every day. Due to the lessons, I learned in this course, I could reconnect to an inner energy and power that is so strong I can barely contain it sometimes. This course has been a very awakening journey for me. One of the greatest benefits I received from it was to reconnect with my body and check in again with myself. I am very happy I got the opportunity to take this course. – R. D. / USA

I thank you, Angelika, from my heart of hearts for your stimulating teachings, your guidance, and your mentorship in my life. You have taught me that the authentically empowered person chooses to live in and through love, not fear. – B. C. / USA

Course Fee: $ 425 (incl. transaction fee)